Substantial progress this quarter, as he heads in for the second birthday home stretch!
In April, he was frightened of a snail when he saw it move - he was used to the immobile shells. Since then, they've become his favorite organisms, and every time we go out we have to pet the snails which are... resting... on the fence. Where they've been for months. Very tired snails.
He discovered that the camera makes a bright flash when you press the buttons, so below you'll find his first efforts at amateur photography. His oeuvre tends to soft focus, his work invites you to question assumptions and rethink the possible. That may change when he learns to point it.
In May, he dressed up in his mom's glasses and necklace, and he tries to wear his dad's boots almost every day, it's a bedtime ritual of sorts. His Agility went up by one, too: he can walk on tip-toe, on narrow bricks, and balance a scorpion on his head (not all at once though). He enjoys throwing balls, and is learning the acceptable time and place for such things.
In June, he began to identify as a "little kid", though he's now back to just "a baby" or "a monkey". In other skill-development news, he's playing with Duplos now, and has learned to mime the sound of a vampire getting staked (long story). One day he discovered that he could use a step to reach a light switch, and then immediately dragged the step over to another switch; he also spontaneously moved his step to reach a bucket on a table. Not bad, looks like all that fetal alcohol didn't do too much damage after all!
He "reads", to himself or to stuffed animals. He's taken to clasping his hands patiently when being read to or watching TV. Very cute.
His last four molars are finally just creeping out, so soon we'll need another metric for his growth progress bar. Suggestions?