With the arrival of Shaltzling #2, this page name is no longer accurate, so next quarter (i.e., in two weeks) I'll set up a new tristanandausten.shaltz.com subdomain.
Tristan got his tongue clipped in October, and with a couple months of weekly therapy he's pretty much caught up with his age in terms of expression - he can't really say "k" or hard "g" sounds yet, but that's not unusual. He scores very well for comprehension, and his sentences are much more complete and grammatical than typical for a 2.5-year-old, even if they're hard for others to understand. Austen was also tongue-tied, but we had him clipped early on, so he won't have the same hurdle.
Austen was born on 12/20, after a relatively easy delivery, six hours. Yay for a tax deduction! His weight, growth, and early milestones are all on track. They now each have a compatible kidney donor. So far, I say Austen looks like a small-eyed bith, but we'll see.
Tristan has had a number of achievements this past quarter; aside from greatly improved speech, he's discovered imaginative play in a big way, eating endless invisible pizzas and acting out scenes with his toys. He's generalized rational intentionality status to the cat: having been told many times that he needs to leave the bedroom door open so Jack can get to his food, he recently asked Jack if he was "all done going nom nom".
There's much more to tell about the past few months, but for history's sake I'll mention that in the 2013.Q1 update, which I promise will not be as greatly delayed as this one was!